Institutional Science-Fiction
20 février 2017 jusqu'au 19 mars 2017
Frac Poitou-Charentes, site de Linazay


Entrée libre

The I_SF Lab.Zone is an artistic, editorial and curatorial project, dedicated to the renewal of institutional critique via speculative and science-fiction practices.

Its starting point is a specific context: the rehabilitation to come of Le Confort Moderne, an art center and music venue created 30 years ago in Poitiers, France. This moment of architectural construction should be also a moment to imagine an extended project for culture and visual arts.

It also relates on the writings of American artist and writer David Robbins, who kept inventing since the 1980’s new territories for a renewed imagination, refusing to identify it with visual arts or with the mere format of the exhibition.

The collective work takes place through research seminar sessions, talks, workshops, studio practice, and editorial process.

In 2016-2017, we will focus on the production of an anthology of institutional science-fiction.

A workshop is scheduled in February in the storage and exhibition space of Frac Poitou-Charentes.